Végre szombat... A héten pontot tettem a bürokratikus ügyek döntő többségére: amikor ma este és holnap reggel az Oranienburgerstrasse zsinagógájában a modim (hálaadó) imát fogom mondani, erre is gondolok majd.
Él Ádon - a szombat reggeli istentisztelet egyik pijutja (vallásos költeménye)
El Adon / Unknown author
One of the most ancient piyutim known to us from the early Israeli era (presumably the 4th century). It is an acrostic piyut following the order of the Hebrew alphabet. The poem sings praise to the creator of the universe, and like many other piyutim of its time it is not written in rhyme. The piyut is spoken of highly in ancient books and is part of the order of prayer of all the communities of Israel. The piyut is sung in various melodies during the morning prayers of Shabbat and holidays.